10 Surprising Things You Can Ask Siri

Do you think you know everything there is to know about Siri? These 10 Siri secrets might just surprise you. Or even make you laugh.

10 Surprising Things You Can Ask Siri

Most people know that Siri can perform everyday tasks like setting alarms, reminders, making calls, and playing music, but there is a lot more to Siri than that. Here, we show you a few things you can ask Siri to do that you may not have heard of.

We use an iPhone in this guide, but many of these requests will also work on an iPad, Apple Watch, HomePod, Apple TV, and Mac.

To begin, activate Siri on your device by saying “Siri” or “Hey Siri”, or press and hold the Home or Side button on an iPhone.

1. Where in the world…

You can use Siri to get facts and figures about anywhere in the world. Ask the local time, and you’ll get an answer. Ask where a country or place is, and its location will open up in Apple Maps.

Siri, what time is it in the Galápagos Islands?
Siri, where is Australia?
Swot up on your geography
Swot up on your geography

2. Quick conversions

Siri can perform all sorts of smart conversions. Just ask what data you want to be calculated, and Siri will oblige. This includes mathematical calculations, measurements, weights, and currency.

Siri, what are 10 miles in kilometers?
Siri, what’s 14 stone in kilograms?
Siri, what’s 30% of 125?
Siri, what’s the square root of 48?
Siri, what are 50 dollars in Euros?
Perform quick currency conversions
Perform quick currency conversions

3. Hold conversations in different languages

Siri's translation feature is a valuable tool for when you’re traveling, allowing you to translate words and phrases into many languages easily.

Siri, where is the nearest beach in Spanish?
Ask Siri to translate phrases and conversations
Ask Siri to translate phrases and conversations

The results are, of course, entirely accurate.

4. Siri, can you rap? Siri, can you beatbox?

The answer to that is yes, to a point.

Ask either of these questions, and Siri will treat you to a mesmerizing performance of rapping or beatboxing on repeat until slowly fading out.

If you change your voice settings, the results can be truly bizarre. For example, listening to a beatbox or rap performed in a clipped British accent.

Siri can (try to) rap for you
Siri can (try to) rap for you

5. Coin toss

These days, we carry less loose change around with us, so Siri provides a digital alternative to the traditional coin flip.

Siri, toss a coin.
Siri, flip a coin.

Siri will dutifully respond with a “heads” or “tails” response.

Ask Siri to toss a coin
Ask Siri to toss a coin

5. Plan a night out, or plan a vacation

Are you bored and stuck for something to do? Turn to Siri for inspiration. Ask what’s happening in your local area and get some entertainment ideas.

Siri, what’s the best Mexican restaurant nearby?
Siri, what’s the best Italian restaurant in New York?
Ask what movies you can watch
Ask what movies you can watch

6. Correct your spelling

You can ask Siri to help with your spelling. Just say, “Siri, how do I spell…?”.

Siri will spell the word and read it out loud, and you will be shown a definition of the word you requested. If the word has multiple meanings, you can select the correct version from a list.

Siri, how do I spell waiter?
Siri can be your spelling teacher
Siri can be your spelling teacher

7. Become a sports buff

Impress your friends and pretend you have an intimate and unquestionable knowledge of everything sporty. Ask Siri for information on sports fixtures, results, as well as stats and team averages.

Siri, who won the Super Bowl last year?
Find out who won the Super Bowl
Find out who won the Super Bowl
Siri, what’s the first match in the Euros?
Get scores for different sports and games worldwide
Get scores for different sports and games worldwide

8. Ask…anything

Siri can access a vast amount of general knowledge. If the answer can’t be given directly, you are directed to relevant web results.

Siri, what time is sunset today?
Siri, what is the capital of Colorado?
Ask Siri for general knowledge
Ask Siri for general knowledge

9. Ask Siri to find your keys

If you lose your phone or computer connected to your iCloud account, you can ask Siri to tell you where it is.

Siri, where is my iPhone?

Siri will tell you where the device is and either ask if you want to ‘ping’ it (play an audio sound) or will begin automatically. You can also open the Find My app to pinpoint its location on a map.

If you own an AirTag, you can attach it to almost anything. So you could find yourself asking:

Siri, where’s my bike?
Siri, where are my keys?
Find things with AirTags
Find things with AirTags

10. Control your home

Using Apple’s HomeKit technology, you can integrate and control all manner of devices around the home. You can control lights, cameras, taps, and the heating with a voice command.

Siri, turn on the lights.
Siri, what’s the temperature in the bedroom?

Check out our in-depth how-to guides and discover all the other amazing things you can do with Siri.
